When we initiate in-depth analysis of Each of the 16th Chapter, we usually get this question from our consultees: why don’t directly get readings on our Chapter of interest?
Here’s a simple yet complete explanation as to why, that would result in incorrect predictions.
- Chapter 1, known as the general Kaandam, is crucial as it initiates predictions from the moment the customer’s leaf is identified until their life’s end.
- This chapter helps pinpoint the correct leaf for the customer, as explained in Chapter VI.
- The positions of the nine planets are explained to create and record the customer’s horoscope, aligning precisely with their natal horoscope.
- However, the Naadi horoscope usually doesn’t specify the Lagna position or the balance of the Dasa and Bhukthi periods.
- Occasionally, the Lagna might be indicated, but detailed information can be found in the DasaBhukthi chapter.
- The discussion then shifts to the current positions of planets, addressing any serious doshas or past life sins, and suggesting remedies like Shanthi and Deeksha.
- The subsequent chapter delves into experiences related to these suggestions.
- Following this, predictions encompassing all facets of life across the twelve Bhavas (like education, profession, marriage, health, children, career gains and losses, service, and death) are provided.
- These predictions are segmented into different age periods, typically three years each, offering detailed insights into forthcoming events.